Capable to Detect both Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metallic Threat Objects Considered Dangerous by International Security Authorities.
Multi-Zone - 9 Real Matrix Detection Zones (Up/Middle/Down and Left/Middle/Right).
Incoming/ Outgoing traffic counter (can be made invisible) with 60 persons/Min speed.
Interference free Operation at Middle Level Sensitivity of 10 cm stagnate for Metals and 200 cm distance for moving.
Audio-Visual alarms are noticeable at a range of 4 meters.
Micro-Processor Settings do not change when there is an electricity cut-off.
Manufactured for 24/7 Continuous Operation.
74 cm Net Passage Width and 200 cm Net Passage Height.
The magnetic field at each point of walk through metal detector is 0.04 Gauss.
All Electronic Units (electronic unit, power supply, battery, adaptor etc...) are inside the Equipment. No external units.
Automatic Failure Display Function with continuous self-checking of key parameters (BITE - Built In test Equipment).
Interference free operation from other Electronic Equipment. Necessary altering precautions have been taken.
Our ThruScan® Walk Through Metal Detectors are manufactured using the latest technology and advanced components
Detects all threat objects even concealed, hidden with camouflage and/or wrapped. Impossible for such threat objects to pass through the WTMD without causing an alarm.
Strong plastic footers for sturdy placement and durable use.
Superior Discrimination, Pin Point target location identification with Graphical zone display on Control Unit.
Impossible for such threat objects to pass through the WTMD without causing an alarm.
Five Digit Incoming/ Outgoing traffic counter (can be made invisible).
User access can is secure via a four-digit changeable digital Pin Code + mechanical lock.
Easy-to-mount and assemble walk through metal detector (15 Minutes) Male/Female Socket-Connector Design.
Reloading the factory default settings by one-touch button.
Easy Programming and Display via High Resolution LCD (Liquid Crystal Display).
4 Menu Languages, Standard menu in English, German, Spanish and Turkish.
No seasonal adjustment requirement thanks to its Digital Electronic System (DSP).
(DSP) In normal operation, the device shows the number of people entering-exiting and the Security Level in Turkish without abbreviations, in a way that security personnel can easily understand on the LCD display.
Indicator and Alarm
Our highly sensitive walk through metal detector, displays Location of the Detected Metal Objects with Continuous LED Zone Indicators on Both Side Panels from top to bottom.
Operation Mode, Programming Parameters and Error Codes are displayed on Wide 4x20 Characters LCD Screen.
10 sensitivity levels, 246 adjustable sensitivity steps at each + 1 Standard preset International Security Program.
Green/Red bi-colour traffic LEDs easily allows sight from distance and LED Alarm Indicators on side panels.
Metal Density-Mass by 10-level-VU meter with green, yellow, red LEDs easily allows sight from distance.
Alarms counted separately (can be deleted).
10 Adjustable audio tones with 10 volume levels (enabling Mute Operation).
Certification and Eligibility
International norms (NILECJ-0601 L1-5/IP44/EN60950 Class1) In conformity with CE European Union Norms and produced under ISO 9001: 2015 QMS
Human Health friendly Very Low Frequency VLF technology, No effect on Pace Makers, Pregnant and Magnetic Media.
IP 44 (Optional IP 65) Protection Level (EN 60529).
Homogeneous Magnetic Field – No Dead Points – Same Detection Capability from bottom to top.
Optional -SCADA Networking of Multiple Metal Detectors; Change settings by PC (Digital output for Network Connection).
Optional - IP 65 protection.